Legal Notice

Legal Notice

In this Legal Notice we will inform you with complete transparency about the purpose of this website and everything that affects the data you provide us with, as well as the obligations and rights that correspond to you.

To begin with, you should know that this website is adapted to the current regulations in relation to data protection, which affects the personal data that you provide us with your express consent and the cookies that we use so that this website can function correctly and carry out its activity.

Specifically, this website complies with the following regulations:

The RGPD (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons) which is the new European Union regulation that unifies the regulation of the processing of personal data in the different EU countries.

The LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, the Regulation for the development of the LOPD) which regulates the processing of personal data and the obligations that those responsible for a website or blog must assume when managing this information.

The LSSI (Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce) which regulates economic transactions by electronic means, as in the case of this blog.

We inform you that this Legal Notice may be modified at any time, in order to adapt it to new legislation or changes in our activities, being in force at all times that which is published on the web. You will be notified of any such modification prior to its application.

Accuracy and veracity of data
As a user, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and accuracy of the data you send to CEDIAGVET SCAN SL, exonerating us from any liability in this regard.

In other words, it is your responsibility to guarantee and respond in any case for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and you undertake to keep them duly updated.

In accordance with what is expressed in this Legal Notice, the user undertakes to provide complete and correct information in the contact form.

Intellectual and Industrial Property
The entirety of this website (text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents) is protected by the Intellectual and Industrial Property laws in force, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use.

As the owner of this website, CEDIAGVET SCAN SL does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or free of error or that the free use of the same by users does not infringe the rights of third parties. The good or bad use of this page and its contents is the responsibility of the user.

Likewise, the reproduction, retransmission, copying, transfer or rebroadcasting, in whole or in part, of the information contained on the website, for whatever purpose and by whatever means, is prohibited without the prior authorisation of CEDIAGVET SCAN SL.

Limitation of Liability
In exercise of its right as owner of this website, we inform you that CEDIAGVET SCAN SL shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for the following:

The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning or the availability or continuity of the functioning of the page.

The existence of viruses, malware, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.